Cellular Battery Life: How to Prolong It & Which Phones Do Best


Cell phone battery life is one of the biggest complaints for users. You might keep chargers plugged in to your computer, your car, and the outlet by your bed, but if your phone is constantly busy recharging, you're missing out on the convenience of a mobile device. Fortunately, you don't have to be a techie to use some of these smart changes that increase your phone's battery life.

Minimize App Alerts


Via Flickr by zoonabar

If your phone is alerting you to new updates, emails, and app activity every few minutes, you're using a lot of unnecessary battery life. Turn off push notifications and simply check on things yourself when you have a free moment. As a bonus, this strategy will also maximize your productivity by keeping you from glancing at your phone several times an hour.

Go Off the Grid


Via Flickr by avlxyz

GPS tracking isn't really necessary for many apps, but they'll ask for it anyway. Be careful about which ones you activate this feature for. Keeping constant tabs on your location is a battery-draining exercise that's often pointless for your own purposes.


Charge and Discharge Fully


Via Flickr by Micky.!

Instead of plugging your phone in every chance that you get, try to discharge the battery as fully as possible first. When you do plug the phone in, leave it until it's fully charged. The only exception is a lithium-ion battery, which requires charging when the battery is down to a single bar, but not yet dead.


Don't Light Up the World


Via Flickr by sankarshan

Sure, you may want to let your light shine, but you don't need to use a blazingly bright cell phone screen to do it. Minimize backlighting for your screen. Set the backlight to turn off quickly, too, so your phone isn't still lit several minutes after you set it down.

Choose Your Background Wisely


Via Flickr by jugglerpm

Black is such a classic color, why not dress your phone in the slimming shade? A black background will use less battery life than a bright or white background. Skip animated or rotating backgrounds, as well, and keep it simple.

Keep Your Cool


Via Flickr by striderp64

Heat can spell disaster for your phone's battery. Leaving it on the dashboard while you drive or in your pocket when you're out will wreak havoc on your battery life. Keep your phone in cool, shaded places as often as possible.


Get the Right Phone


Via Flickr by 3 Sverige

Not all batteries are created equal. On medium 3G reception levels, the Samsung Galaxy S3 had the best battery life with the HTC One X not far behind. Other options, like the new Nokia Lumia 810 phone, are available with long-lasting batteries from the get-go. This model comes equipped with an 1800mAh battery.

Combining smart usage with the right phone is the best way to maximize your battery life. You'll be tethered to your charger no longer with these handy tips and tricks on your side. Tell us your tips and tricks on our Fourm

Shaun Chatman is a freelance writer by night and a gym trainer in the day. Happily married and a father of two gregarious kids, Shaun lives in Dunedin, FL, and spends his free time playing with his kids or watching or playing sports. You can connect with him here.

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