Is Tegra 2 Too late?


Last year just before the launch of the Tega SoC inside the Zune HD player from MS, we all were treated to something unusual. The Green PR Machine from nVidia decided to show us a roadmap for future products. This roadmap laid out the path for Tegra and its future incarnations. According to the map we should have seen the tiny new system at CES 2010 and we did see some systems that were centered on Tegra 2. These were very early samples of the products (in most cases even the software was very shaky), but they were still there.

We moved forward thinking that nVidia and its partners would launch at least in conjunction with the then rumored iPad from Apple. After all nVidia already had something of a success with the original Tegra in the Zune HD. This is arguably a much better product than the iPod touch in terms of features, speed and quality. However, despite this head start we have not seen anything from any of nVidia’s partners. We know that engineering samples and development systems have been sent out. We also know that some companies have products waiting to be launched. What we do not know (at least not completely) is where the Tegra 2 based systems are.

Any delayed product is going to hurt sales and a company’s bottom line, but when the product is delayed and a competitor releases working one, things get even uglier. This is what we have with the iPad and the tablets that will be hopefully released by the back to school time frame. Apple has a live product that is on the market and building momentum and traction in the market place. Talking with a few potential tablet buyers; most were willing to wait for an Android based product if it came out within a few weeks of the iPad.

It is now almost four months since the launch of the iPad (the WiFi flavor) and still we see nothing from nVidia on Tegra 2. All of our questions are danced around and we even hear sympathetic comments when we point out that any product based on Tegra 2 will be behind the power curve in gaining traction and market acceptance. In fact as we have seen with the iPhone it is likely what Tegra 2 will be a limited success if not an outright dud. It is going to hit the market too late. The iPad will have become firmly embedded in the ecosystem and even the thought of finally having flash on a tablet will not sway many. After all Comex is working on a port of Flash for Android 2.2 as of this writing, so iPad owners that are not afraid to Jailbreak their products will have Flash soon too.

Seriously nVidia needs to get on the ball and talk to their partners. The Tegra 2 based tablets need to hit the market soon or all of the development money dumped into Tegra 2 will be a write off come end of the year. Meanwhile the PR gang at nV will be hard at work telling us how great Tegra 3 is. Too bad many people will be reading that new on something other than a Tegra 2 product.

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