Opinion: Yahoo News is Irrelevant

Opinion: Yahoo News is Irrelevant


Once nearly ubiquitous, Yahoo has been losing ground to more successful companies such as CNN, FOX, and other media outlets. This might just be due to their lack of variety in stories. True, they have several different sections, like sports, weather, local, etc, however, the one I am most interested in is Tech, as are many of the current and upcoming generations.

Tech plays a constant role in our lives. We use GPS from our phones, which also serve as cameras, and a veritable “Swiss Army” knife of electronic communication. Sometimes we use laptops to write reports, take notes, or watch movies. Technology is everywhere in our lives now, and is used for nearly everything.

You would expect that with something so prolific, there would be a variety of news to report on. Today on Yahoo's front page the tech overview section, 5 out of the 10 articles displayed were about Apple. Apple sold out of iPad minis, the guy who made Apple maps is resigning, and Steve Job's yacht has been revealed, to name a few articles. Why a company that has no majority market share of any product half of the news feed seems biased, at best.

I would rather be exposed to a large variety of news to browse than to have the same thing thrown at me over and over. This is especially the case when there are better topics to be reporting on than the boat that the deceased CEO of Apple owned while he was alive.

Where do you like to get your news from? What sites seem to have the newest or most interesting articles to read on Technology? What is relevant to YOU? Let us know on our forums!

[Ed – More and more it seems that Yahoo! is doing things just to spite Google. This is not a good business practice and will only hurt Yahoo! in the end. If Yahoo! keeps up the hate motivated decisions we expect them to start falling behind again just as they did before Mayer took over. And to think that Mayer appeared to be turning things around…]

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