US Version of the Samsung Galaxy S III will only have a Dual Core SoC...

6_-GALAXY-S-III_S-Beam_Music-sharing_W-300x199We have heard through numerous sources that the when the Samsung S III Galaxy hits the US it will be hobbled. This move by Samsung to offer a smart phone to the US with a reduced set of specification is something that will hurt them in the long run. Although many claim that there is no need for a quad core SoC inside the product and that it can get along perfectly well with the dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon that will eventually reside in the US based version of the phone it will set a tone with consumers.

We had been looking forward to the launch and were getting ready to place our pre-order with Sprint tomorrow… that is until we learned about this. Honestly shorting the hardware on this phone makes no sense at all. One of the things that the market in the US has been craving is a phone that has the extra power to handle all of the gaming and tasks that people want to throw at it.

Considering the way it is being marketed to the world and the performance claims that are circulating (all based on the quad core model) this is going to be something of a slap in the face to consumers. After all of the delays in getting it to the US to give it roughly the same specs as a phone that has been out for several months is annoying to say the least.

Personally we are going to stick with our Nexus as it has 32GB of storage comes with Google Wallet and best of all, it is free of Sprint Bloatware; it is also still a Samsung Phone. If Samsung were smart they would have launched the S III with the same specs as the European model and cleaned up on the fact that it would be the first Quad Core smart phone in the US. Instead,… you are getting a phone that is no better than existing phones on the market.

For those that point to S-Voice and Swype… there are already patched ROMs for the Galaxy Nexus that bring those features to you plus you will be spending less on that device and in many cases there are offers for extra Google Wallet money when you buy that phone.

We are sure that the S III will still have more than enough buyers in the US to make this worth Samsung’s time and effort, but who knows perhaps this time the market will show their annoyance and not being able to get the phone that Samsung promised in the S III. We have already heard that HTC sales of the One X are less than anticipated and they did the same thing by replacing the quad core SoC advertised with a dual core for the US.

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