There has been a lot of talk about Meta’s The Reality Labs department losing $10 Billion on devilment of Metaverse. Mant articles have focused on the negative and the overall amount of money lost while others have chosen to focus on more positive or normalized effects of the loss and what is means long term. The argument seems to be split in a couple of ways. The first is that $10 Billion is not a devastating loss in terms of R&D on a potential defining product for a company that made $117+ Billion in 2021. The second is that a $10 Billion dollar loss on a new product is a bad thing and might be an indication of a lack of true acceptance.
Irony is a funny thing especially when it is so blatantly obvious as in our example today. Google, owners of YouTube, Adsense and many other internet properties. Google has a history of policing content they do not agree with going so far as to demonetize and even ban differing options on topics such as the US 2nd amendment and de-prioritizing searches for topics that run counter to their viewpoint.
Read more: Google Claims a Court Ruling will Make Them Act...
It is no secret that the NSA and DoD (Department of Defense) and other Government agencies have an issue with security. Over the last few years their security has been about as effect as using a sieve to carry water. The top 10 list of security faux paus include such wonders as the Snowden leak and the OPM breach. However, when I see the White House (any administration) send out memorandums telling Government agencies to tighten up security I laugh a bit.
As the title implies, we will be talking about Cylance PROTECT (now wholly owned by Blackberry). Our focus will not be on the inner workings, or any type of vulnerability. Our focus today will be all about Protect’s script control function and why many people do not enable it. If this sounds like a fun read, then you might be one of those security admins that have beat your head against the wall figuring out just how to get this working right in your environment.
Read more: Cylance PROTECT and the mystery of Script Control
Every now and then, we get a chance to take a look at something that is a little outside of the tech world. A few months ago as I was contemplating a vlog series entitled “Bits, Bytes and Beer”; we received a very cool package in the mail. It was a set of shot glasses made from Himalayan Pink Rock Salt. It seemed a very fortuitous product to hit our lab and one that we certainly want to go into detail on now. So, let’s take a quick look at the Root7 Pink Himalayan Rock Salt shot glasses.
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