1 million PS4 consoles sold in 24 hours

PlayStation 4 on the U.S. market appeared this Friday, on 15th of November,and Sony over the weekend revealed that in the first 24 hours of availability has sold more than one million consoles, which is much higher than expected.

Andrew House from SCE said that PS4 is designed to meet the needs of players and that they are delighted that consumers are responding positively like this. Sale in the United States is really going excellent and they expect the enthusiasm to increase further with the european release. By comparison, the PlayStation 3 in the first two weeks of availability in the US  sold only 200,000 copies, while the main competitor, the Xbox 360, at the same time achieved sales of 326,000 copies.

Sony during GDC, that took place this August, announced that the number of pre-orders  globally rose to one million units, and analysts have predicted that by the end of the year they will sell between two and three million consoles.

[Ed - despite the great sales, there have been more than a few issues reported with the new x86 based console. We wonder if these are gorwing pains, or just a bad desing...]

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