100,000th project on Kickstarter


Since the launch of Kickstarter back in 2009 until today, this page was the starting point for more than 100,000 projects, according to announcement. However, less than half of them were successfully funded, or to be precise more than 42,000 projects.

Through this system for collecting funds for the ideas over  $630 million dollars passed throught until today. With the announcement of this achievement more interesting data was published  - the most popular category of projects is a film and video with over 26,000 projects, followed by music from over 22,000 projects, and publishing with 11,600 projects. Art has nearly 9,100 projects, while games have about 5,500 projects. Number of projects related to technology is 2.342.

Category games still collects a lot of money, a total of 134 million, which is in second place, just behind the 139 million that has been raised for projects in film and video categories.

[Ed - Kickstarter is interesting, but in the last few months it looks like it is all people that already have money looking to get other people to pay for their projects. This has made many people leery of the service and might end up impacting Kickstarter and anyone using it...]

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