15 new companies support Samsung's mobile OS contender, Tizen

Early February was not good for Samsung's mobile operating system Tizen, namely Japanese mobile operator NTT DoCoMo has dropped out of the upcoming supply of smart phones powered by this OS. This seemed like the beginning of a bad trend.


A week later, on February 12, Samsung reported that the Tizen Association, which currently supports 36 companies, gained 15 new members. Among the new members are some well-known names such as AccuWeather, Baidu (Chinese search engine) and ZTE, while the rest of the list belongs to Acrodea, CloudStreet, Cyberlightning, DynAgility, GAMEVILLE, Inside Secure, Ixonos, Nomovok, Piceasoft, Red Bend Software and Softbank Mobile (Japanese operator).

The biggest surprise is that Sprint joinged the Association back in 2012, and then departed from it last year. Now according to the latest data, Sprint is once again a member of Tizen Association.

[Ed – new mobile operating systems are hard to guage and even harder to get in place. The two biggest contenders on the market (Android and iOS) are hard to fight with. To break into this very exclusive game you have to have something that is familliar yet new enough to make people excited about it. Samsung, as a partner to both Google and Apple, knows that it is going to be an uphill battlet, but they also know that there needs to be wider competition if the market is to evolve and real innovation is to return.]

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