3D printed gun that actually fires bullets


Texas company Defense Distributed recently produced the Liberator - a gun that is almost entirely made with a 3D printer, and as such, owners of the 3D printer can produce it at their home. Only two components of the Liberator were are obtained from 3D printing: metal nail which serves as a hammer and a piece of steel that is here to activatethe  metal detectors so the gun as such would be in accordance with U.S. laws.

This news was met with a lot of resentment, since the production of weapons in private is about the last thing this world needs. Some have calmed passions by claiming that this gun will not be able to fire bullets, but the Defense Distributed has just released a video where the founder of the company, Cody R. Wilson, fires from the Liberator. Wilson and the gun remained whole and only the part that fixes the tube cracked.

Liberator is created by connecting 16 parts, of which the 15 were printed withStratasys 3D printer. To be even more ridiculous, Defense Distributed published CAD files with complete designs of the Liberator so everyone who owns a 3D printer can do it when they want. 3D printers are currently among the most interesting gadgets and it's probably only a matter of time before someone founds a way to use them for these potentially very dangerous purposes. The U.S. Congress will consider a proposal that the guns obtained by 3D printing get immediately ban, but no one knows when will that come to the agenda.

[Ed - The printing of real-world objects has been a big topic since3D Printing came out. It scary to think that someone can print something like a firearm if given the right "pattern" While I have been and always will be a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and feel that people should be allowed to buy and own firearms if purchased legally, I am not sure that this is something that should be pushed around without some sort of checksand balances. We all know that software is exceptionally eay to pirate and that it gets around. What heppens when this gets out there? We could find that people are illrgally downloading and printing their own firearms. This is not something that give me a good feeling. Let's hope that the people with this pattern keep it close to their chest and do not let it get out into the wild.]

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