4K Officially becomes Ultra HD


One of the hottest topics last month at the IFA trade show in Berlin was certainly the new 4K technology. It's not some kind of out-of-this world technology, it's just the next step in increasing resolution and reaching around 4,000x2,000 to 4,000x3,000. The devices with this resolution are still very rare, and are expected to be presented in more detail at the 2013 International CES annual consumer technology show [We will be covering this show again and hope to get you more information]. This week CEA (Consumers Electronics Association) announced that 4K will be known as Ultra High-Definition, or simply Ultra HD.

There was a discussion within CEA's Board of Industry Leaders and Ultra HD got the most votes so that sealed the technology's name. The current highest display standards are 720p and 1080p (1,920x1,080), so Ultra HD would be doubling that, bringing four or even six times more pixels to the screen. Gary Shapiro, CEA President said that “Ultra HD is the next natural step forward in display technologies” and that offers “incredibly immersive viewing experience with outstanding new levels of picture quality”.

The Ultra HD standard will require that a device has display resolution with at least 8 million active pixels, with a minimum of 3,840 horizontally and 2,160 vertically. Also 16:9 aspect ratio is a must to get this certificate, along with at least one digital input capable of handling this format. Shapiro also said that “TVs remain highly sought after and were the second most frequently mentioned device on consumer wish lists this holiday season, behind only tablets. There has never been a great time to be a consumer of televisions and displays.” Will this new technology make 1080p TV's more affordable now, or they will remain the same while Ultra HD will be even more pricy we will see very soon, probably already after next CES that takes place in January.

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