5.6 million Lumias in the Q1 2013


Nokia today announced its financial statement that shows a total loss of $150 million compared to the previous quarter, but the news for them are not as bad as they seem. The company earned a revenues of $8.7 billion, and has sold 5.6 million Lumia devices, representing a jump of 30 percent in sales and earnings on them.

Lumia's business is therefore steadily increasing from month to month, and Nokia is certainly very pleased with that, considering that it has invested most hope (and money), with the expectation that one day they would grow into what Nokia once represented with their "dumb" (extremely simple) mobile phones when they rocked the world market.

Compared to the last quarter Nokia's Devices & Services division marks a decrease of 25%, mobile phones have fallen by 27%, and the department Nokia Siemens Networks fall by 30%. Their CEO Stephen Elop remained positive „We remain focused on moving through our transition, which includes continuing to improve our product competitiveness, accelerate the way we operate and manage our costs effectively“.

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