64 bit Firefox still lives


Last month Mozilla announced that they will cease the development of 64-bit Firefox for Windows (but not for Linux and Mac OS X). This move was, rightly, met with the disapproval of many users. However Mozilla refused to change their mind until now.

Now Mozilla says that the 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows will still be alive, but still only in nightly builds (night test builds do not even belong in the alpha, or Aurora, and are far away from beta versions). However, they will try to make life difficult for the users of this version of the web browser hoping that they will cross over to the 32-bit version sometimes, so one of the future automatic updates for 64-bit Firefox Nightly should automatically switch to the 32-bit version, and those who will still want to use a 64-bit version will have to download it manually.

Also they are suspending test and crash reports for the 64-bit version. We understand that Mozilla has more important or "smarter" things to do than to develop a 64-bit version of its browser, such as adding a Metro interface for the 32-bit version of Firefox. However this move, making life difficult for users of 64-bit version is still unnecessary.

Do you think this is a bad move for Mozilla? Tell us in our Forum

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