$99 iPhone, 4.7-inch iPhone, 5.7-inch iPhone...


According to Reuters, Apple is working on a whole range of variations of the iPhone for the next year. They mentioned a variety of colors, so we wont have just black and white as it is now, and devices should come with screens of 5.7 and 4.7 inches, which should compete with Samsung's smartphones, which in this segment has much greater success than the iPhone since mid 2012.

All information are allegedly coming from Asian manufacturers that Apple provided with specifications for future phones, but one thing should be kept in mind, Apple's specifications are constantly changing, practically all the way until the start of production, so that the current queries on large screens do not mean much - the final decision on production can be entirely different.
Also, again rumors started going around about cheap iPhone that would cost only $100 (or 99), which should target younger people, and come in colorful plastic design to lower the cost of production as much as possible. According to one other source, this cheap mobile phone should become available next year, even though  the mass production of other devices starts in August this year.

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