Acer moves focus from PCs to tablets


Gartner's predictions for the 2013 are not in favor of Acer. According to their report they expected a decline of Acer's share in a PC market by 44 percent compared to the 2012, which is the biggest drop among all the leading vendors in the business that still stumbles. In fact, the only exception is Lenovo which is projected to grow by 11 percent on a Windows PC market.

The Register reports the statement from Acer's President Jim Wong, who at a meeting with investors confirmed the new strategy of the company. The plan is to try as much as possible to increase the proportion of "non-Windows business," which usually refers specifically to the Android platform, while Wong also expects growth in the market of Chromebooks. Wong says "For the PC industry, I haven't seen light at the end of the tunnel. First, we have to sustain our market share and protect our bottom line ... and by doing tablets and smartphones right, we can be prepared for the day after tomorrow."

Acer is one of the first companies that have launched small tablets on Windows 8 OS, and at Computex 2013 they presented W3 8 inch tablet, whose sales were rather disappointing. At the same time, the company has not missed the chance to openly criticize Microsoft and their chief Steve Ballmer, mostly because of pushing Surface tablet, which according to them is damaging the ecosystem and harmful for Microsoft's partners.

[Ed - This is not sruprising and we discussed some of this yesterday in an article speaking about a much larger trend in the OEM market. Many companies are making this move now, but it does not mean they will not continue to make Windows based systems with Intel or AMD x86 processors under the hood. In fact many will continue to do so and are hoping that Windows 8.1 will be a hit with consumers so they can ramp up production.]

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