AdBlock allows you to block unwanted Youtube content

Adblock Plus, a popular application for blocking various advertising content that lavishes users on the Internet, is launching a new option to block unwanted content on popular social networks. Through special additives that can be found on the website YouTube Customizer, it is possible to block YouTube features that are not desirable.

To begin, you need to have installed Adblock Plus add-on on Chrome, Firefox or Opera, after which you can choose on YouTube Customizer site which features do you want to block. Thus, by choosing to block all of the content, you won't see anything else beside the videos that are reviewed. Comments, video recommendations, icons for sharing, notes within videos and recommendations of other YouTube channels will be blocked if you choose to block everything. It is also possible to block content in a less radical way. There are also separate options that can be combined with each other.

There is also an option that blocks only comments or only video recommendations and suggestions, and the last option that allows you to block only the icons used for sharing content and comments within the video content.

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