Adobe Patches New Zero Day Exploit Found in Flash Player

flashIt looks like there is another security flaw in Flash. The often beleaguered web animation/video player has been the vector of attack for more than one piece of malware in the last few years. Adobe has been working hard to keep up with all of the reported security issued with the browser plug-in as well as to find ones that have not been reported.

Adobe recommends that you check the version of Flash that you are currently using and update it as soon as possible. There has already been one attack identified that is using this vulnerability in Flash Player. Right now it has only been found in use against Windows machines and appears to be using another popular format from Adobe, the PDF.

The PDF (Portable Document Format) is a very powerful standard. With it you can do all sorts of things including embedding security, images, tables and forms and even malicious code. When the malicious PDF is opened it executes the code that causes Flash Player to crash. This vulnerability exists in the player itself and is across all platforms from Windows to Android.

Adobe Security Bulletin

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