Aluminum case for Nokia EOS


A lot is known about the Nokia's next smartphone codenamed EOS. However, according to new information,  shown  photos and video of the finished device were actually depicting a prototype.

According to Chinese sources, the finalized device will be made of aluminum, as opposed to the plastic of which the first copy was made. Also, the first prototype was almost identical to the Lumia 920, except for the rear part where there was increased ledge holding a camera module for allegedly resolution of 41 megapixels. New photos show aluminum Lumia EOS next to a fairly large number of copies in the background, also made of aluminum, so it is believed that mass production has already begun.
Specifications of the device beside PureView camera, should be screen resolution of 720p with a diagonal of 4.5 inches, Xenon flash and 32 GB of internal memory. Introduction of the new device in the line of the Finnish manufacturer is scheduled for 11 July.

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