The details of the attack have not been released, but we can tell you that from a trace route run to the CIA’s site there is no response after a hop on’s end of the trip. This is interesting as we are still getting resolution of the site IP, but the site is not talking. This is most likely a DDoS (Distributed Denial or Service) attack on the site and could go on for a long time depending on how long it takes the CIA and NSA to kill off the bots that are flooding the servers with noise.
This attack follows on the heels of attack on the Department of Justice, the US Copy Right Office and the FBI. Those attacks were in response to the take down of MegaUpload. As far as the attack on the CIA we are not at all certain for the reasons here. Honestly it could be random, but it could also be a reminder of how easy it is to do this sort of thing and what kind of power Anonymous can throw around.
Then again with all the press Anonymous is getting these days I am pretty sure that just about every corporation and government is aware of what they can do when they put their minds to it.
We will keep track of this and will update you if Anonymous ever releases a reason for the takedown.
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