Anonymous Turns On Hacker That Defaced Children's Charity Site


Although to many the Anonymous collective is anything but a protector or a hero there are many times when the faceless group has come to the aid of others and punished members (or people pretending to be members) of the group. Although we have heard of more than a few of these internal disciplinary actions, there are a few that stand out. One recent incident was when someone who claimed to be part of Anonymous hacked Sesame Street’s YouTube account and replaced a few Videos with Porn. Another was when a group released names and addresses of police informants and also home addresses for police officers to the public. In both of these cases the guilty parties found themselves on the wrong end of a collective that knows how to not only find you, but make you feel very helpless indeed.

It is important to remember that while there is no leader, or organization there are some self-maintained rules that all pretty much agree upon. You can see these echoed in many of their less reported ops like OpPedoChat. This Op did not catch the eye of the press and was mostly unreported, but it focused on people that abuse and exploit children. The collective intended to find dismantle and then out the owners and visitors of sites that hosted any content that harmed children (including pornographic images).

Now it seems that another self-styled “Anon” has gotten on the wrong side of the collective. Although the “hacker” formerly known as AnonVoldemort did not do anything as bad as host child porn, he did decided to attack and take down a site that belonged to a Charity which combats child poverty RedSky is a film production company that has produced a documentary intended to help raise awareness and money to underprivileged kids in New Zealand.

Film Maker Bryan Bruce asked for help on Facebook, and he got it. Once the word was out that the site had been taken down and defaced the collective quickly mobilized and tracked down AnonVoldemort who was actually bragging of the attack. After failing to get AnonVoldemort to hand over the original files on the site they simply turned over his identity to Bryan Bruce who has forwarded this information on to authorities.  Unfortunately is still down and states that it will take a very long time to get things back to normal.

We imagine that the real person behind the AnonVoldemort name is not feeling too special at the moment. We hope that he is regretting his actions while he worries about where to turn next. Maybe he should have done a little more research about the collective he so badly wanted to join. If he had, he might have learned that Anonymous does not mess with kids and takes it personally when people do.

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