Apple receives permission to start building new HQ

Apple on Tuesday received final green light for the construction of its new headquarters, which is often called "spaceship" by the media, from local authorities. Impressive building called Campus 2 will be the center of the new complex, and after obtaining all permits, company can now start the construction whose completion is scheduled for mid 2016.

Prior to construction Apple must clear 176 acres of land and demolish 26 buildings located on the site of the future campus. After completion, the share of constructed area will be only 20% instead of the current 80%, while the rest will be occupied by the countryside.

Besides giving permission to Apple to start the construction, city councilors decided to reduce tax benefits by 15 percentage points (from 50% to 35%) for Cupertino company. This way city will also almost immediately have a positive impact of this investment because Apple will annually pay at least $1.8 million more in taxes (computed on the basis of income from 2012). The local community will have long term benefits, because the company will beside just employment, invest in technology and transport infrastructure.

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