Apple's patent for a smart house

A practice by which the company from Cupertino is very well known is continuing. New technologies are first reported  to patent office and only after that are being implemented. This time, Apple placed an application for a technology with a name that does not tell us too much, „System and method of determining location of wireless communication devices/persons for controlling/adjusting operation of devices based on the location".


This name hides a core of what would simply be described as a smart house. In fact, Apple's idea is to use every mobile device which user has with him as a detector of his position, and then according to that allow other devices in the household to adapt their work to the movement of people inside the room.
Heating and cooling systems, lighting, security, even kitchen appliances, or televisions , they could in this case adjust their operation to the location of its users. It is possible that co-operation with some of these smart systems in homes could be one of the additional functions M7 processor that records the movements of users of the new iPhone and iPad has, so this patent that would enable the creation of the ecosystem of applications that could make full use of all the abilities provided by Apple's new hardware.

[Ed - Apple is not really known for innovating, but they are known for patetning things. One of their more common moves is to patent technolgy and items that have been is use before. Apple does oftent put their own spin on the technology, but in essence it is nothing new. We are seeing the same thing with this patent. Home automation is nothing new and controlling your home from a computing device (Laptop, desktop etc) has been going on since the 90s. For Apple to come out and try to lay claim to this is very arrogant indeed. Sadly, like many of their other patents, the USPTO does not seem to understand this and typically gives almost anything Apple pushes through a pass.]

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