Apple VP of Hardware, Bob Mansfield Set to Retire

News_3d_Apple_Logo_102Apple has lost another VP of Hardware this time to retirement. Bob Mansfield, how replaced Mark Papermaster (you know him, he is at AMD now) in 2010 is retiring after being with Apple since 1999. Bob has been the lead of iPhone and iPad hardware since 2010, but before that he was in charge of dealing with Mac hardware (beginning in 2005).

Mansfield will be replaced by Dan Riccio who is currently in charge of iPad hardware. The retirement of Mansfield after the launch of Microsoft’s surface, but we have to say that it is unlikely the two are related at all. We also have a feeling that the loss of Mansfield is not going to have a major impact on Apple design and hardware. It is just not that type of position where a single player will turn the tables. If Mansfield were leaving for Facebook, Intel, or another player in the industry then things might be different.

However, there are some other people that are retiring soon as well which makes us wonder if there is not some house cleaning going on. Apparently (and according to SEC filings) Betsy Rafael (Corporate Controller and Principal Accounting Officer) is leaving in October to retire as well. Mansfield will stay on to provide a smooth transition, but in many cases as people are retired off (meaning they are leaving under good conditions, but the company no longer needs them) we will see a transfer of station like the one with Mansfield and Riccio.

No matter the case (if they are being forced out or leaving on their own) these two positions are unlikely to impact Apple in the long run. What would be interesting is if Mansfield or Rafael were to pop up at another company in six months. That would speak volumes about what is going on at Apple.

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