Apple wants patent on a method for locating a vehicle


New Apple patent shows a method of finding and accessing capabilites of a car with the help of mobile devices and Bluetooth.

Apple's patent application entitled "Method for locating a vehicle" describes a solution in which the mobile device can communicate with the car using a Bluetooth connection to verify that it is parked somewhere nearby. It is also considered that a public garage where the car is parked also has its own wireless network in order to accurately determine the location of the car. User then check on the screen of mobile devices which displays the map that shows the exact location of the car and how to get to it.
 Another patent application is entitled "Accessing a vehicle using portable devices" and it describes how to unlock a car door using a mobile device. When you gain access to the car with the help of a mobile device variety of other operations  could be carried out such as starting the car, management of multimedia system in the car, adjusting the seats, lights and windows control etc.

[Ed - Apple has a tendancy to do this kind of thing. There are already apps and services to do this, in fact we wonder if OnStar will have anything to say about this one once it gets out. Considering the fact that OnStar has been doing that for years they might have a little something planed for Apple if they really try to put this one out. Now we know Apple fans will say this is different, but it is not. Apple is only using bluetooth and not satellite to send the requests. Still the mechanics of it are obvious and that is what usually invalidates a patten... Maybe the USPTO will spot the obviousness of this one and kill it as they should.]

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