Are these the Specifications for the Xbox 720?


Portal VGLEAKS says they managed to get their hands on the detailed specifications of Microsoft's new video game console Xbox 720 (Durango). Although there is no indication from which source this information came from, it sounds quite plausible and very interesting. The leaked specs partially overlap with some earlier rumors which do add to their credibility.

Basically, if this information is true, the new Xbox will feature AMD's 8 core CPU processor that runs at 1.6 GHz, it will have an 800 MHz GPU from own production, and will be equipped with 8 GB of DDR3 RAM and 32 MB of memory ESRAM and a Blue-ray drive that can read dual-layer discs.

It is also interesting that it will contain a Kinect slot, which means you will not have a built-in motion sensor as it was said in some earlier rumors and an HDMI 1.4a slot tells us that the console is able to connect to set-top boxes and serve as recorder of content from TV. Detailed specifications are shown in the picture below.

[Ed – The timing of the leak is interesting as it comes shortly after Sony was rumored to be launching their PS4 at E3. It is possible that someone decided to put out some information to keep the market interested in Microsoft’s new console rather than let Sony grab up market share. It also appears that Microsoft did not need to do this as Sony may wait until later in the year for their launch. The reasons are not clear, but could include issues with the build or manufacturing of the new consoles. Either way if rumors from both companies are true it will be an interesting time in the console market in 2013..]

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