Bill Gates on Microsoft's future and the future of Windows 8


Microsoft's Steve Clayton interviewed the company's former CEO Bill Gates about Microsoft's future and what kind of impact Windows 8 and Surface will have on it. Gates talked about Windows coming into a new arena with touch-screens and tablets. This will be without question a big turnaround point for the company that will show whether or not Microsoft is able to make an entrance into the new markets. Gates stepped down as a CEO back in 2000, but he is still aware of what's going on with the company.

In a 5 minute video interview he did not hide his satisfaction with Windows 8 and Surface tablets.  He praised the idea of having an app store and rich user interface, stating that it will be the next big step and define where the PCs are going. He also said that Microsoft will put their top developers behind this project like they did with their former projects. He thinks that touch will just make everything simpler, together with speech input, even gestures that can be captured with a camera. He said that they don’t want to provide more input options, but still keep the classic keyboard and mouse combination. About the Surface he said that it's an “unbelievably good product”, because of its capability to be attached to keyboard so you can use it basically like notebook, instead of just pure tablet device.

Will all this praise coming from their former CEO help Microsoft achieve better results, or will Windows 8 be a turn into a wrong direction for Microsoft? We will see in just a couple of days. The launch of the new Windows 8 will happen on October 26, along with their Surface RT tablets. As Bill said “this is the big time” for Microsoft and if company is really working hard and dedicated to their products, even if they don’t get exactly the products they wanted, they will certainly have a decent foundation for the future.

[Ed – We find some of the comments from Bill Gates interesting and almost as if he was repeating what someone asked him to. Detachable keyboards are nothing new so having that with Surface is not a new or exciting feature. In fact there are many hybrid tablets for both x86 and ARM CPUs that are already on the market.  There is no doubt that Windows 8 is going to be a big item for them, but if this will be for good or bad we are not sure just yet. ]

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