Bitly user accounts compromised

Popular web service for shortening URLs, Bitly, sent an urgent warning about a possible compromise of user accounts on the service. Although it has not yet been discovered whether the attackers managed to seize the accounts of users, there is a possibility that their email addresses, encrypted passwords, API keys and OAuth tokens were compromised.

Since Bitly allows registration via Facebook and Twitter accounts, are endangered and accounts of these social networks. They therefore urge users who registered on Bitly via social networks to immediately change the passwords on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

To protect their users, Bitly disconnected all accounts linked with Facebook and Twitter accounts. Users who wish to re-apply in such a way to Bitly, will have to go through the process of registration once again. Also, users are recommended to reset their API keys and OAuth tokens. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found at the following link.

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