BlackBerry will cut price of their smartphones

After all the bad decisions of the previous administration, the new BlackBerry's CEO John Chen, came up to with the conclusion that the price of their phones could be their main problem. He said for CNBC that their smartphones have a high retail price comparing to the competition, which results in a disappointing sales and constant losses.

In the last three months, the BlackBerry sold only 4.3 million units, compared to the same period last year when they sold 6.9 million phones. Even though we are talking about a millions of copies sold, they represent only slightly more than a quarter of the total number of manufactured phones. In order to improve sales, BlackBerry opted for a new strategy that aims to lower the retail price of the device based on the BB10 platform.

Whether this will help BlackBerry to regain its former glory, we will have the opportunity to see in a few months when they will present analysis of the new sales results.

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