Blizzard's Heartstone enters beta stage


Blizzard's clone of Magic: The Gathering has entered a phase of closed beta testing on the PC and Mac. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is currently opened only to a small number of players who signed up for beta testing, but we can expect the next round of beta invitations soon.

Blizzard reveals that the aim ofbeta testing is to balance the game, and also warn that some of sets of playing cards may be removed during beta testing. It is worth pointing out that the beta of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is currently open only to North America, but Blizzard says they will soon discover when the whole thing comes to life in other regions.

Blizzard described Hearthstone as a free-to-play strategy game with digital maps in which players choose one of the nine greatest heroes in Warcraft, and then with the corresponding decks move to fight with rivals by using weapons, powerful spells or special characters from the rich Warcraft Lore.

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