Both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to become even more powerful soon

Xbox One sales are hardly catching up with the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft decided to prevent that  problem in two ways. The first is a new cheaper version of Xbox One, which is on sale without the Kinect camera, and other one is the optimization of software to compensate for the difference in performance.

With the announcement of DirectX 12 (and removing Kinect which spent valuable processor time) Microsoft hopes to provide enough power to run the most demanding games in 1080p resolution, a thing that PlayStation 4 can do as is. A completely fresh and almost unverified gossip from Twitter say that Sony's engineers are working hard to make the PS4 even more powerful console. Some leaks from the „insiders“, named Thuway and Tidux, reveals that Sony's internal team Ice largely succeeded in optimizing tools for PS4 which will in future allow more complex games, better graphics, or simply more frames per second.

This news could actually be confirmation of the slightly older rumor when Sony's developer Cort Stratton (responsible for the graphics subsystem) boasted a similar achievement.


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