Box doubles their free storage offering


Box, a company that provides cloud services and the lives from selling storage to business users, is trying to get closer to residential customers. Competition they have in many popular services like Dropbox and Google Drive SkyDrive or forced them to make a move that will surely please their customers.


From this week, private users will be free to store up to 10 GB of data on their service, as opposed to the current 5 GB. With the doubling of capacity Box became one of the leading providers of cloud services by the amount of data that are stored for free. For comparison, SkyDrive offers 7, Dropbox and iCloud 2 5 GB. Only Google Drive is better in this regard with the offered 15 GB.

Box also made their offerings more accessible to business customers too, including initial package of 100 GB for up to 10 users for just 5 USD per month per user. Surely this field is getting more popular and it is nice to see that some of the “new” players are offering more for less.

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