Capcom asks for gamers’ opinions


In recent years, exclusive digital distribution has becomes more and more popular and each publishing house has its own opinions regarding this business. The opinions and expectations of players have always had a major impact on Capcom's business decisions, so they decided to conduct a small survey that would get a clearer vision of future moves.

Capcom's boss, Christian Svensson posted the Capcom-Unity blog that his company wants to hear the voice of the public about their future involvement in the "digital space" so he set up a link to a survey that includes all the important issues regarding Capcom such as reissues of older titles, prices of games in digital form, the future of the famous franchise, and so on.

Svensson points out that the survey results are not a guarantee that the company will act only according to the wishes of players, but it will provide them waypoints for the future. So if you are interested in helping them, feel free to express your opinion in the survey.

Do you think that this survey will influence Capcom or is this all a feel good move? Tell us in our Forum

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