Crytek preparing free to play title


Cevat Yerli from Crytek, in a recent interview, revealed that they intend to fully switch to free-to-play titles. Yerli is hoping that Crytek will begin to rely on the free-to-play billing model in two to five years. [This is something that many companies are considering to create a more stable revenue stream – Ed]

Yerli explained that their goal is to simply connect a business model based on free-to-play with a collection of big-budget titles. Crytek’s first step will be on the PC, and they will do it with an FPS (First Person Shooter) called Warface which recently entered a phase of closed beta testing. However, the next generation of consoles will not be ignored. Yerli says they are already working on concepts to make the free-to-play billing model work successfully on consoles too.

Finally, Yerli commented on Gface, a platform that will further connect the players on the PC. Gface is actually best described as Steam for free-to-play titles. Yerli hopes that Gface will actually serve as a very good option for finding high-quality and high-budget free-to-play titles. This will surely be great news for all gamers that don’t like to spend much money on their games, and we already have some great free-to-play games like League of Legends, Tribes: Ascend, Path of Exile etc.

[Ed – Although the concept of Free to Play is a good one the issue is that many companies will begin to make it impossible to advance unless you buy packages from them. We have watched this become a big money maker on phones and tablets and now the big guys want a piece of that pie. They are also looking for ways to get around piracy so expect many of these new titles to be online only.]

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