Deadfall Adventures announced


Fans of the Indiana Jones movie franchise will soon be able to embark on their own adventures that are reminiscent of those that everyone's favorite adventurer went through on his travels. All of these adventures will be through the freshly announced FPS adventure Deadfall Adventures, which is being prepared by the Polish development team The Farm 51.

Deadfall Adventures puts players in the role of James Quantermain [Possibly a reference to Allan Quartermain the main character in a series of popular adventure books form the late 1800s – Ed] with whom they will visit the tomb of Aztec, arctic area and the pyramids of Egypt, and all because of the search for ancient artifacts and new adventures. On his travels, James will meet with numerous deadly traps, riddles and supernatural enemies, and all of this sounds pretty fun, we have to admit.

Wojciech Pazdur, director of the project said that “We're putting everything into the games' stunning graphics to create a unique experience that will be both challenging and engaging”. Deadfall Adventures will be released on 30th of July for the PC and Xbox 360.

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