Decrease of tablet sales in the Q2 of 2013


According to data collected by IDC, in the second quarter relatively poor sales of the tablets were recorded. Compared to the first quarter sales fell by 9.7%, to 45.1 million units, but it's still 60% more than in the same period a year earlier. However, this is the first time that the decline in tablet sales appeared in the second quarter compared to the first.

The biggest culprit for the poor results is Apple, which this year has not introduced new models of tablets, so that the weaker results are also expected during the third quarter. But in the fourth quarter Apple's is expected to present new models, as well as Amazon and other manufacturers, so we can expect significant sales growth.

Compared to a year earlier devices based on Android and Windows have recorded a rise in sales, while at the same time Apple sales declined 14%, to 14.6 million units. Therefore, Apple's market share dropped from 60% last year to 33%. Sales of devices based on Android rose compared to the previous year  by 163% to 28.2 million units, and now they have 63% of the overall market. Sales of tablets based on Windows grew by 527%, but due to the small initial base, it is still a relatively modest number of 1.8 million units, or 4% of the overall market.

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