DecryptedTech Launches Reader Driven Blogs

Logo-01One thing that I am always interested in is input from others. No matter where I have worked (or what sites I have written for) I have taken the input from readers, manufacturers and even PR companies into account. The reason for this is that no matter what is said (even negative comments can be helpful) there is something to learn. Now, don’t get me wrong, I hate it when it turns out I made a mistake or I misunderstood something or even worse… was just dead wrong. However, it happens and I deal with it.

By now I am sure you are wondering what in the world I am going on about… well it was during a conversation with a reader that I began to come up with an idea. Every site has guest writers and guest bloggers. These are usually famous analyst with names that the sites hope will bring readers (both ones that like the analyst and ones that don’t).  But why should they be the only ones that get to voice their opinion, ideas, observations and thought? Truth be told they should not.

DecryptedTech is happy to announce that starting in November we will be opening a user’s blog on our forum. These articles will be written by our readers for our readers. You will have to be a registered member to read these articles. Once you reach 10 posts (real ones not spam…) you gain full access to the blog pages; once you do you will be able to submit your articles and blogs. All articles will be subject to review by a member of DecryptedTech Staff for appropriate content (no political or religious articles please) full rules will be posted inside the blog area. Each month the community will chose the best article (or review) and that will be published on our main site. The winner author will also win a prize to be determined each month.

The Prize for November will be an Asus M4A89TD Pro complete with an AMD Phenom II X4 965 C3 CPU.

We will open the new section shortly and look forward to reading what everyone has to offer.

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