Doom 3 BFG Edition Trailer Hits the Internet... Get Your Chainsaw Ready

doom3-intAh the sweet sounds of DOOM. The classic first person shooter that, when combined with Castle Wolfenstein, kicked off a completely new genre of gaming, the First Person Shooter. In Doom you take on the role of a Space Marine on Mars (sent there because you hit your CO). Mars is a terribly boring place until some of the secret experiments go horribly wrong and demons begin pouring out of the artificial gates that were created. After heading to Phobos to investigate the goings on there you are left as the only person still alive (or not possessed) and must fight your way through the invading hordes.

The game hit the market in episodes, the first one of which was sent out as shareware. This had a massive impact on the burgeoning gaming community with many people seeding the new game and gaining more and more players. I can remember being passed two 3.5-inch floppies with the hand written title DOOM on the front and wonder what I was getting in to. It turned out to be one of the coolest games I have ever played.

DOOM went on to become a huge gaming franchise and catapulted id Software into fame and fortune. I still know people that have all of their original Doom game disks boxes and more carefully stashed away in their houses for posterity. Now It seems that Bethesda and id Software want to bring some of the magic back to their faithful fans with a remastered release of DOOM 3.

They are calling this DOOM 3 BFG Edition and it is looking to offer quite a bit to old fans and people that might be curious about the original title (yes it was that awesome). According to the press release the new edition will be completely remastered versions of DOOM 3 and The Resurrection of Evil, contain hours of new content, be 3D Ready and feature 5.1 surround sound.

Quoting the press release again there are teasers like “Players will also experience a never-before-seen single-player story, The Lost Mission featuring seven heart-pounding levels that will once again have them on the edge of their seats."

“id Software has fine-tuned the controls to bring the intensity of the Doom single and multiplayer experience to the consoles, and Doom 3 now features the new armour-mounted flashlight, allowing players to illuminate dark corners and blast enemies at the same time”

Check out the trailer video below while you wait for the actual release

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