Dropbox gets Vimeo support


Today Dropbox and Vimeo decided to team up and allow Dropbox users to directly upload their videos to Vimeo from their Dropbox folder. Besides that one very simple, but yet so often missed feature, they are also providing the ability to pause an upload in case you cannot upload it all at once. ”Integration within Dropbox is something our community wanted for a while,” said Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor, and with this collaboration they will try to give more popularity to Vimeo, an alternative to the most popular video hosting service Youtube.

We can see that both companies are working hard to get more users and to improve the experience of existing ones. A few months ago, Vimeo completely changed their interface, and after that they added the Enhancer tool that gives users online editing options. They also added around 4,000 new soundtracks on top of the 50,000 existing ones that users could simply add to their videos. Users will have to connect their Vimeo accounts to Dropbox on the Vimeo upload page or in their account settings. After that, users control which of their videos will be uploaded to a Vimeo folder inside Dropbox.

New Features: Advanced Uploading, Dropbox, & Custom Thumbnails! from Vimeo Staff on Vimeo.

Even though Dropbox has had some speed issues lately, it looks like they will not only patch, but also improve their service. Vimeo also continues to expand: priorto Dropbox they integrated with Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The main audience for this improvement will certainly be users that work with both Dropbox and Vimeo, but also have large video files they want to share. Vimeo never wanted to become just some random site that allows all sorts of videos to be uploaded on it. Rather, they focused on high-quality video hosting , and this is certainly a step forward in a good direction for them.

[Ed - As Google is starting to show their colors with their cooperation with Holywood and other copyright holders we wonder if services like Vimeo and others will start to grow. We know that Kim Dotcom of Megaupload has talked about music hosting and wonder if he would not put a competing service into place that would force the Google/YouTube giant to reconsider their tactics and the way they treat customers. The combination of Vimeo and Dropbox should make Google a little concerned about losing members, which is what any big company should be...]

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