EA cancels Online Pass


Electronic Arts has confirmed that they intend to cancel the Online Pass program. John Reseburg explains that the whole thing will not be included in a future EA's titles since the players were not too thrilled with the concept. And if you know how it works, it's weird that they have not figured out earlier how bad the concept is.

Online Pass is actually necessary to play the game over the Internet, and must be entered before the first online play. It is an integral part of titles such as Battlefield 3, Dead Space 2, and a number of sports simulation from EA Sports.

Online Pass is also the publisher's response to the resale of used games, since every buyer of used games would have to pay additioanl funds for the new Online Pass in order to have access to multiplayer, which is really unfair and certainly a repulsive for the gamers. The same concept is used not only by Electronic Arts, but also  by other major publishers like Activision and Ubisoft. Hopefully they will follow EA's example with this one.

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