Facebook reaches 1 billion users

facebook moneyMark Zuckerberg announced today that “This morning, there are more than one billion people using Facebook actively each month”, and around 600 million of those are mobile users. The average age of Facebook users continues to decrees, as now is 22. When they hit 500 million users back in July 2010 the average age was 23. Zuckerberg also posted an interesting fact sheet, so according to that there have been over 1.13 trillion “likes” since the launch in February 2009, 219 billion photos uploaded, 17 billion location-tagged posts (check-ins included), and about 210,000 years of music has been played on Facebook so far.

“Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life. I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will be able to connect the rest of the world too.” Zuckerberg said. They didn’t throw any special celebration parties at the company; apparently they just counted all the facts for the fact sheet and went back to work. Since they have so many users they plan to focus on other things and according to Zuckerberg it's, what else, commerce.

He said “So for the next five or 10 years the question isn’t going to be, does Facebook get to 2 billion or 3 billion? I mean, that’s obviously one question. But the bigger question is, what services can get built now that every company can assume they can get access to knowing who everyone’s friends are. I think that’s going to be really transformative. We’ve already seen some of that in games and media, music, TV, video, that type of stuff. But I think there’s about to be a big push in commerce”. Looks like Zuckerberg pressed like on the famous quote “The world revolves around money”.

[Ed – we have to question the number of “active” users here as about a month ago Facebook admitted that a staggering number of accounts were fake. At the time they admitted that 1.5% of the 955 Million accounts were spam or other malicious accounts and that a whopping 5% were duplicate accounts. So that means that at the time there were 47.75 MILLION duplicate accounts and about 14 Million spam or malicious accounts. We doubt that these numbers have gone down any so while Facebook is claiming 1 Billion accounts the number of “active” accounts is probably significantly less than listed. Still, we doubt that giving the number of real users would be good for them financially so we do not expect to ever hear that number in public.]

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