Faster DRAM for smartphones from Samsung


Samsung is starting a mass production of new 20-nanometer LPDDR3 memory chips in 4 GB capacity. According to the manufacturer, it is the first memory chips for mobile phones that will be a performance comparable with the memory modules used in personal computers.

Maximum throughput compared to the previous version has been doubled, and in theory it can transfer three full videos in 1080p resolution per second (of course, without the bottlenecks in the system). Also, with increased performance and cost savings with new LPDDR3 memory chips comes 20% less energy consumption compared to LPDDR2 chips. Memory module with a capacity of 2 GB up of new chip has a height of only 0.8 mm, which will allow device manufacturers to make even thinner devices.

According to Gartner analysts, the market for DRAM memory chips will grow this year by 13% to nearly $30 billion, and 35% of sales will consist of chips for cell phones.

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