First exclusive game for OUYA



Kim Swift and his team at Airtight Games have presented their new game which was developed exclusively for OUYA console, called Soul Fjord. The game is currently in its final stages, and Airtight Games has released several trailers to interested gamers, from which we can see what to expect from this game once it appears on the market.

Airtight Games on their game says it is randomly generated "dungeon-crawler“ type of game with fights based on the musical rhythms of funk and soul from the seventies, which is mixed with Nordic mythology. You will be able to find dragons, wizards, and one wicked fallen Viking named Magnus Jones who will representing your character in the game.

After his death Valkyries bring him to Valhalla, or to be more precise to the club Yggdrasil, which represents a kind of vestibule of heaven or hell, but he then discoveres that he is not on the guest list and will not be called the Ragnarok, the party that will bring the end of the world. Magnus task then is to go into a fierce battle to win a reputation for acquiring the most evil vikings in the city, and thereby gain access to eternity of  Valhalla. For now there is no information about the price and availability of this game.

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