First The Elder Scrolls Online beta test at the end of the month


Zenimax Online has confirmed that the first round of invitations for beta testing of The Elder Scrolls Online will be sent at the end of the current month (March). The first closed beta test was held on 28th February among employees of Zenimax Online Studios, and their families and friends. Apparently Elder Scrolls Online proved stable enough to open it to a wider public.

The first phase of testing will take place exclusively over the weekend, but after a while Zenimax Online intends to extend the duration of the tests, and open the game slowly for a growing number of users. It’s worth noting that the criteria for the choice of people who will get access to the beta version of The Elder Scrolls Online will be different for every cylce. Sometimes you will have advantage if you declared that you are particularly interested in PvP or maybe crafting elements, while the second time the emphasis will be placed on persons that will cover a much wider range of computer configurations. The size of the client during the beta testing will be 20GB [That is quite a large file for an online game - Ed].

The Elder Scrolls Online should be completed before the end of the year, and we can expect it on the PC and Mac. If you somehow still did not sign up for the beta you can do it here , our advice is to be sincere while filling in the form, since selecting all of the options won’t guarantee you the beta access, while selecting some specific ones could.

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