When we first read the headlines about this we were seriously shocked that someone would even want to trademark that symbol and tagline. Now we just feel sympathetic toward the company that might be thinking they are going to get some free press for being brave enough to pull this off.
In their communique to E Flicker (who appears to want to market and sell Anonymous branded products) the group is putting things very plainly; “Anonymous will take down any business they have going on the internet and the ninety nine per cent will not stop until the registration has been revoked and a public apology has been made. The name of Anonymous will not be the whore of the world."
Anonymous is quite able to make this threat stick. E Flicker might want to remember that Anonymous took doe HBGary, Stratfor, The CIA, and many others. They hit HBGary so hard that the security company was later sold. So to the faceless marketer that thought this one up we want to ask, is risking losing your entire business worth the few extra dollars you might make from whatever products you have planned?
As all of the other news site had said; batten down the hatches, ready the guns and prepare for boarders you are in for a very rough voyage.
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