Former WebOS Developers move to Windows Phone 7

windows-phone-7It looks like the Death of the WebOS might be a big benefit to Microsoft and their Windows Phone 7 mobile operating system. After HP announced that they were killing this part of their business model off (along with their most of their Consumer Product division) many developers that were working on WebOS projects had nowhere to turn to and were probably a tad annoyed that they had invested in this technology and now were being left out in the cold.

Microsoft was right there though letting former WebOS developers know that if they were interested all they had to do was contact Microsoft and they would provide them with all of the Tools needed (Development Kits, Phones, and even training) to get things going under the Windows Phone banner. This was a smart move as, if the reports are to be believed, Microsoft is claiming that over 500 developers have contacted them.

We think that these rumors are more than likely true as many of these developers will want to offset their losses with some free help even if it is from Microsoft.

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