Foxconn to make a smart (i?)Watch


According to Want ChinaTimes, Terry Gou, head of Hon Hai, better known by the name Foxconn, presented a smart watch that is able to communicate with a user's smartphone at a meeting of shareholders. Gou said that “with such a device, you can keep your phone in your pocket and simply check all kinds of messages on your watch”.

Lately, Apple has been trying to reduce dependence on Foxconn, which produces most of the parts for their iPhone and iPad, and has Apple decided not to hide their dissatisfaction anymore. Therefore this seems like a small form of revenge from Foxconn. Foxconn certainly is familiar with the details of Apple's smart watch plan and decided to release their own smart watch which will offer almost everything the same as Apple's will.

This is particularly inconvenient for Apple because Foxconn’s watch integrates with iOS devices and allows you to see messages, e-mails, calls and Facebook posts. Beside that it can be used to monitor the user's vital signs such as heart rate and breathing and if the results are not within the optimal numbers, the device will automatically offer advice on what to do to improve the situation. For the realization of their smart watch Foxconn has joined their medical department and the department of wireless communications.

According to Gou, the company will not stop there and this cooperation will be expanded for additional features including fingerprint identification, which was said to be found in Apple's future devices too. It will be interesting to see what will happen once Foxconn's watch appears on the market and if they have equipped it with all the specs that we expect Apple's smart watch to have. Tim Cook and his team will have to make damn sure that Apple's smart watch brings something more, which could indefinitely delay the release of their new gadget.

[Ed – As we mentioned before Apple’s habit of discarding partners once they (Apple) feel they are no longer of use will hurt them in the long run. They were too close to Foxconn to simply drop them. Foxconn manufacturers too many parts for Apple to simply try and sue them like they did with Samsung. Foxconn might also partner up with Apple’s chief rival and use their combined knowledge of Apple design and product strategy to do even more serious damage than has already been done. Too bad for Apple that they are not the company to court any more they cannot wield the same power and leverage that they have had in the past which means their exclusive and most favored nation deals could be a thing of the past. The next 18 months will set the tone for Apple moving forward and if they cannot rise to the challenge they could find themselves in the same boat as Nokia and Blackberry.]

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