Foxconn workers in fierce clashes


Yantai factory complex owned by Foxconn, which is located in China's Shandong province, was a place where the interregional conflicts between domestic workers from Shandong province and workers from the province of Guizhou took place.

The reason for the fights were tension and rivalry that reportedly started long ago among workers in these two provinces. The incident has ignited by a feud between two young men at a local internet cafe. Each of them were from on of the separate warring states. Due to their physical confrontation cafe was completely demolished, and the owner has taken the side of local boy from Shandong. A group of angry workers from Guizhou province has decided to take revenge, and on the night of 19th September armed with steel rods, sticks and machetes went to the dormitories of workers from Shandong and destroyed and burned two bedrooms.

Riots continued on 21st September at a much higher intensity. The riot was restarted by workers from Guizhou, that armed with sticks and knives demolished dorms, restaurants, and cafes. Workers that happened to be at the scene of their rampage were physically attacked. Riots were finally subsided by Chinese armed military police who arrested hundreds of workers, mostly from the province of Guizhou. In the riots, according to unconfirmed information, at least three people were killed, while 27 workers were retained in the hospital after suffering serious injuries.

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