Free OS X from now on

Computer companies usually base their income on software or hardware sales, some of them even manage to earn from both sources. Microsoft for example always charged for their Windows OS, we can say a decent sum of money, only upgrade versions were a bit more affordable.

A similar practice had Apple too, but at substantially lower prices. For the latest version of the operating system it was enough to allocate $30, in later years, even less - as much as $20. After the OS X Mavericks was offered completely free to its users, Peter Oppenheimer announced that this practice  will continue.

Users who buy Apple iOS devices with the operating system will also receive iPhoto, iMovie, Pages, Numbers and Keynote apps for free, while customers that buy Mac will be able to download new versions of the operating system and iLife and iWork applications for free.

Will free software be enough to help Apple? Tell us what you think

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