Gamblers not allowed to wear Google Glass


Although the first reviews agree that Google Glass in its current edition does not offer much, many now see it as a threat. Among these is Caesars Palace, one of the world's largest casinos, located in - where else - Las Vegas.

Caesars Palace has initially claimed that owners of the Glass will be allowed to enter the casino until the glasses are not used to record videos, but is now reported that even by wearing Google's glasses users will be forbidden to enter the casino. Such a decision is in accordance with the laws of Nevada, according to which computers and recording devices may not be used in gambling, representatives of the casino said.

Such a restriction has undoubtedly contributed to the fact that Google Glass in the current version does not have any visual indicator of the video recording, and no one but the wearer of glasses can know when the camera is turned on or off. However, due to the possibilities of this gadget, it is not unlikely that the implementation of such indicators would make Caesars Palace (and soon, possibly, other casinos) to change their minds.

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