Gamestick coming in September


Speaking in an interview with Joystiq PlayJam's Sameer Baroova revealed that the team misjudged interest in their kickstarted GameStick mini console and that the number of orders exceeded all expectations.

Due to the large number of interested players and the many changes that the console has experienced during the development, the expected release date (April this year) simply could not be met. However, Baroov a is confident that the work on the console will be completed by August, and that the customers could have it over in their hands the month after that.

GameStick's main competitor, Ouya, has arrived on the market at the end of June, and the story about the console after the initial enthusiasm completely silenced. However, low prices and lots of fun games have made it a solid addition to gaming arsenal, and we anticipate the same fate for Gamestick too.

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