Gartner's advice is to get rid of the BlackBerry


Gartner, a leading IT research firm issued an analysis of the company's BlackBerry. They recommended to all BlackBerry enterprise users, to find an alternative devices and service within six months. Recommendation comes a few days after the BlackBerry has announced details of a poor handset sales and expected losses of $965 million in the second quarter of this year.

Gartner advises users to within half a year run a programs for backup of data on mobile devices and the use of alternative devices at least for testing purposes. The proposal is based on the selection of one of three steps. The first step is a complete rejection of the BlackBerry device. In a second step they explained to users that the BlackBerry devices will be withdrawn from service after which the devices would  be used only by a small group of users. The third option predicts that the controlled group of BlackBerry users who want a physical keyboard or are working on the security issues would switch to the BB10 operating system while at the same time providing supporting for other platforms.

From Blackberry came a reaction in a form of a statement in which Gartner analysis was called mere speculation, stressing the fact that they are still very much capable of providing services to their enterprise customers. Many large companies and US government agencies have already switched to other platforms such as iOS and Android.

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